The Erasmus + KA131 program is an exchange program within the scope of 28 European Union countries and candidate countries. Mobility is taking place with countries that we have agreements with, such as Austria, Finland, Italy, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Macedonia. There are also exchanges with countries such as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, which are not members of the European Union but are members of the European Economic Area. To participate in this program, countries must have the Erasmus Charter For Higher Education (ECHE).

We have 26 agreements with:

Austria University of Klagenfurt A KLAGENF02
Belgium University College Ghent B GENT25
Bulgaria Shumenski Universitet Episkop Konstantin Preslavski
Bulgaria Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski BG SOFIA06
Bulgaria University of Veliko Turnovo St Cyril and St. Methodius BG VELIKO01
France Institut Catholique d’études Supérieures (ICES) F LAROCHE01
Hungary University of Pannonia HU VESZPRE01
Italy The University of Foggia I FOGGIA03
Italy Universita Degli Studi Di Ferrera I FERRARA01
Latvia Liepajas Universitate LV LIEPAJA01
Lithuania Kaunas University of Applied Sciences
Lithuania Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences LT KLAIPED09
Lithuania LCC International University LT KLAIPED02
Lithuania Vilnius University LT VILNIUS01
North Macedonia International Balkan University MK SKOPJE04
North Macedonia University St Kliment Ohridski – Bitola MK BITOLA01
Poland The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin PL LUBLIN02
Poland University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow PL TARNOW02
Poland Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna im. ks. Bronisława Markiewicza w Jarosławiu PL JAROSLA02
Romania* “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați RO GALATI01
Romania Alexandru Ioan Cuza Unıversity of Iasi RO IASI02
Romania University of Pitesti RO PITESTI01
Serbia University of Nis RS NIS01
Slovenia University of Ljubljana SI LJUBLJA01
Spain Valladolid University E VALLADO01
Spain University of the Balearic Islands E PALMA 01

*waiting for EWP renewal.


International Credit Mobility (ICM) supports the mobility of individuals enrolled or employed at a higher education institution (HEI), from a Programme Country to a Partner Country or vice versa, namely:
Student mobility for studies, open to short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) or second cycle (Master or equivalent) students, as well as third cycle doctoral candidates. The mobility
period can last from 3 months (or one academic term) to 12 months.
Student mobility for traineeships, open from call 2018 to short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) or second cycle (Master or equivalent) students, as well as third cycle doctoral
candidates. The mobility period can last from 2 to 12 months. See dedicated section on ‘Traineeships’.

We have agreements with the following universities, but the mobilities are subject to the grant allowances:

International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Student and Staff)

University of Mauritius, Mauritius (Staff)

University of Tirana, Albania (Student and Staff)

University of Johannesburg, South Africa (Staff)

University of Montevideo, Uruguay (Staff)

Pannasastra University of Cambodia, Cambodia (Staff)

Kathmandu University, Nepal (Staff)

For detailed info and calls, please follow our International Relations Office’s web site, and twitter and instagram accounts.


Last Update: 22.11.2023

04 Haziran 2021, Cuma 1429 kez görüntülendi