Dr. Güngör Proposes an Innovative Project to the European Commission!

The Head of our Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih Güngör, has recently submitted a groundbreaking project proposal to the European Commission (for the call ERASMUS-JMO-2024-HEI-TCH-RSCH). The proposal aims to address a critical gap in pre-service teacher education by offering a tailor-made course on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the integration of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers (EPOSTL).

The project, titled “EuroLingua Bridge: Empowering English Educators through CEFR and EPOSTL Integration (EBEE),” seeks to equip future English teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively utilize CEFR standards and EPOSTL objectives in their teaching practices. Through this initiative, the department endeavors to enhance the quality of English language instruction and promote professional development among educators.

The proposal comes in response to a recent survey conducted among pre-service English teachers at Afyon Kocatepe University, revealing a significant lack of awareness regarding CEFR standards. With an emphasis on bridging this gap through innovative training approaches, the department is poised to make a substantial impact on teacher education within the European context.

For more information and updates on this promising project, stay tuned to our website.

04 Şubat 2024, Pazar 90 kez görüntülendi