Internal Advisory Board

English Language Teaching Program- Undergraduate Students
English Language Teaching Program- Student Representative S**e Ç*YD***, 
English Language Teaching Program academic staff,
Faculty of Education Deanery,
Faculty of Education Administrative Units (Faculty Secretarial, Student Affairs, Accounting Office)
 Afyon Kocatepe University Rectorate

External Advisory Board*

Official Institutions (Ministry of National Education, Higher Education Council, The Measuring, Selection and Placement Center)
Graduates of English Language Teaching Program (No graduates yet)
Sector Businesses (American Culture Language Schools Afyonkarahisar Branch, Girne American College Afyonkarahisar Branch)
English Language Teaching Programs of Other Universities

*Please do not hesitate to write to the head of the department to be included on the advisory board.


Short-Term Collaborations with Institutions

Austria University of Klagenfurt
Belgium University College Ghent
Bosnia International University of Sarajevo
Denmark Via University College
France Institut Catholique d’études Supérieures (ICES)
Italy The University of Foggia
Lithuania Vytautas Magnus University
North Macedonia University St Kliment Ohridski – Bitola
Poland The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Poland University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow
Romania “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați
Romania Alexandru Ioan Cuza Unıversity Of Iasi
Romania University of Pitesti
Spain Extremadura University
Spain Valladolid University

Last Update: 27.07.2023

27 August 2021, Friday 825 kez görüntülendi