Afyon Kocatepe University Foreign Language Education Department was founded in 2006 and started accepting students in 2021. Currently, the department includes the Programme in English Language Teaching. The department has 3 assistant professors, 1 lecturer, and 2 research assistants. The department’s goal is to prepare qualified instructors in the field of foreign language instruction. Positions as English language teachers in public and private schools or as academics in the relevant departments of universities are available to graduates of the Department of Foreign Language Education. The Department of Foreign Language Education was founded within the Faculty of Education of Afyon Kocatepe University with the decision published in the Official Gazette Numbered/in the 24289 on 16.01.2001. The proposal for the establishment of English Language Teaching, German Language Teaching and French Language Teaching Departments within the Department of Foreign Language Education within the Faculty of Education was examined at the Higher Education General Assembly Meeting dated 21/07/2006, and this proposal was accepted with the amendment of the law No 2547 with the Law No 2880 pursuant to the Article 7/d-2. There are 6 academic staff (3 assistant professors, 1 lecturer and 2 research assistants) working on a permament basis in the Department of Foreign Language Education. The study duration is four years at the Department of Foreign Language Education,  and there is a compulsory preparatory class (English). The student admission to the Department started in the 2021-2022 academic years, and the department will have its first graduates in the 2024-2025 academic years.


19 September 2022, Monday 843 kez görüntülendi