Our Mission

We aim to train teacher candidates and researchers with the theoretical and practical knowledge that will enable them to meet the needs of our country by following the latest technological changes, as well as scientific and critical thinking.


Our Vision

Our vision is to see our students as educators who will teach the next generation of researchers and academics. Our department offers exchange program opportunities with the leading universities of Europe to bring different perspectives to its staff and students.


Departmental Missions

DM1: To train qualified English language teachers who can work in schools in Turkey and abroad and compete with their colleagues nationally and internationally.

DM2: To educate science experts and academician candidates who can carry out academic activities in the field of English language education.

DM3: To train qualified human resources who develop themselves socially, culturally and scientifically, have reasoning, problem solving and association skills, and are sensitive to social and environmental problems.


Program Objectives

PO1: Graduates of the Department of English Language Teaching are competent English Language Teachers who will work in the public or private sector, equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge appropriate to the rapidly changing world conditions,

PO2: Graduates of the department work as translators as well as English teachers in the public and private sectors,

PO3: To provide students with the basic knowledge, skills and abilities that will be necessary in their professional life, to combine theoretical education with field experiences, to have effective communication skills, to adopt scientific ethics, to be aware of lifelong learning, to be sensitive to human, society and nature,

PO4: Our graduates continue their academic development with the understanding of continuous education, work as research assistants in universities while continuing their graduate education, or work as lecturers in universities upon completion of their graduate education.

08 June 2021, Tuesday 589 kez görüntülendi