Within the scope of 2023-2024 Erasmus+ “Blended Intensive Program”, online mobility will take place between 15.09.2023-03.12.2023 and students will participate in physical mobility between 09.10.2023-13.10.2023 at Afyon Kocatepe University Faculty of Education. Students are not entitled to absenteeism due to the duration of the program. In this context, it is recommended to make an application by paying attention to the following issues.
- Only English Language Teaching students who will be studying in the 2nd and 3rd year in 2023-2024 can apply to the program.
- In order to apply to the program, students must have a foreign language (English) score of at least 50 from a national foreign language exam or a foreign language exam conducted by the International Application and Research Center. In addition, an academic grade point average above 2.25 is another requirement.
- Apart from physical mobility, students are also required to attend online courses on the relevant dates in order to be successful in the course.
- No grant payment will be made to the winning students as the activity will take place in our country.
- Since the theme of the related activity will be music and instruments within the scope of folklore, it will be given to students who can play an instrument or trust their voice. Priority will then be given to students who are interested in folk dances and music. In this context, students who meet the basic criteria in Article 2 will be evaluated by a commission to be established in our Department according to these characteristics.
- As of September 15, Erasmus+ BIP online courses will start, and applications will be taken on September 7-8, 2023. The last application deadline is September 8, 2023, at 17:00.
- Detailed information about the event is available in the attachment.
Click here for application!
07 June 2023, Wednesday 165 kez görüntülendi